Passion is the energy that keeps us going, that keeps us filled with meaning, happiness, excitement, and anticipation. Nothing can stop you as long as you are passionate about your dream and willing to work hard.
When my older child was diagnosed with Crohn's, we had no other option than putting her on a diet plan that strictly prohibited most of the grains, refined sugar, all kinds of starchy food. I had a hard time thinking and coming up with food that would qualify all the tests conducted by the sensory faculties of a 7 yr old child.
And then came the big day, her birthday which certainly means fun with friends, cakes, pizza, muffins. And I didn’t want her to feel left out on any of those treats. But it was not easy baking especially when you have tons of limitations regarding the usage of grains, starchy flours or sugar that are the essentials of a cake or muffins. Inspired by a recipe from the book "Breaking the Vicious Cycle", I experimented with little tweaks in it. Made these muffins with almond flour, honey and icing with homemade yogurt/dahi as any other form of dairy is not allowed in this diet, and the result was quite satisfactory. Doing something that is outside of our comfort zone is extremely fulfilling compared to the mundane and that is where your creativity evolve.