Pinch of Taste Search:

Kiwi mint lemonade

July 10, 2021
Kiwi mint lemonade

We are having a super busy summer with frequent beach trips, barbecues, elaborate cooking for friends & family. In short we’re making up for the last summer spent in social distancing.

With so much uncertainty around who knows, we might have to slow down. But until then why not enjoy every moment as it comes. 

This weekend is a bit relaxed for us due to some last minute change and weather not being so hot from last night’s rain, we settled down with a simple yet exciting (well, it is for kids;) lunch today. Grilled chicken,corn & some veggies on the menu today. And some fresh homemade kiwi mint lemonade to polish off all the deliciousness. 

Lemonade is traditionally a homemade drink made using lemon juice, water & sugar or any other sweetener for that matter. However it can also be made by mixing different fruit pulp/juice like this kiwi mint lemonade, where I used fresh kiwi pulp, water, lemon juice, a bit of salt & honey.

We just love the taste of honey in our lemonades (since we are following scd, we can’t use any other sweetener) but you can also add any other sweetener of your choice.

Well, the recipe for chicken? Let that be a post for another day. I see some hungry tummies hovering around, ready to protest if further delayed. 

I’m off to enjoy my sizzling Saturday, errr chicken ;) with a glass of chilled lemonade!!!

 How about you?


Kiwi mint lemonade

Kiwi mint lemonade, a healthy summer refreshing drink with the goodness of fresh fruit & herb.

Prep Time

5 Minutes


  • 1 cup Chopped kiwi
  • 3 tbsp Honey
  • 2-3 tbsp Lemon juice
  • 2 cup Water
  • 1 pinch Salt
  • 10-12 Mint leaves


  • Blend everything together. Strain if you don't like the specks of mint leaves or kiwi seeds.
  • Serve chilled.


** I have used lemon juice but alternatively you can use lime juice as well. **you can increase or decrease the amount of lemon and honey according to your taste.