Pinch of Taste Search:

Yogurt & Dates Popsicle or Srikhand Popsicle

April 24, 2019
Yogurt & Dates Popsicle or Srikhand Popsicle

Summers that I have experienced growing up in North Indian plains were quite different from other parts of the country. Usually, it would be more intense, the blazing sun causing heat waves on the road, small rivers run dry, the parched earth awaiting the first shower of the monsoon.

But then there is also something magical about this season. Early morning sun rays shining through the canopy of leaves on the dew-dappled ground. The cool morning breeze saturated with the fragrance of tuberoses & jasmine (rajnigandha & bela) from the garden. Those lazy languorous afternoon siestas, idle hours spent outside under the shade of that old guava tree that stood in our backyard for nearly two decades, that much-awaited vacation at grandma’s place and the long nights spent outside, listening stories from grandma, one after another until she would sleep.

Grandparents always hold a notable place in our hearts through their unconditional love and indulgent pampering. I have many fond childhood memories of my maternal grandma. How stealthily she would slide raw mango pieces for us in a plate, sprinkled with salt and chili powder, with an instruction to have it in the backyard before Maa would come to know. Somehow maa had the perception that raw mango would give us bloody nose, that used to happen quite frequently in summer. The wide variety of food that she (grandma) would make for us, from the main course to summer special drinks like aam panna & jaljeera, her delectable jackfruit seed curry, to name a few, of which I don’t even remember the regional name, let alone the recipe. Summer vacation spent at grandma’s home were always special, after all, we got to do all those things that otherwise would be sacrilege ( pun intended ;)

And then how can one forget that customary dessert after lunch that much-adored Matka kulfi (ice-cream in an earthen pot). The shrill sound of the bell punctuating the hushed silence on the road, and here he is, the man with a battered pushcart carrying a big earthen pot covered with a red cloth, full of that sinful creamy popsicles, ready to be devoured in a moment to pacify the heat-ravaged palate. Back then, the refrigerator was still a luxury that a middle-class family couldn’t afford in that small town. Making ice-cream at home would be a dream.

Waves of nostalgia took me decades back as I make this shrikhand kulfi/popsicle, which I believe is an extension of our own matka kulfi. On a constant quest to create more of SCD recipes, my kitchen gave way to this frozen treat, Yogurt & Date Popsicle. Flavors of rose & saffron, earthiness of date syrup and creaminess of coconut milk perfectly balances the tart of yogurt.

I believe that food has the magical power to take you back in space & time like no one else, do you agree??

Yogurt & Dates Popsicle or Srikhand Popsicle

Yogurt & Date Popsicle-flavors of rose & saffron, earthiness of date syrup and creaminess of coconut milk perfectly balances the tart of yogurt.

Prep Time

8 Hours




  • 1.5 cup Hung curd
  • 1/2 cup Coconut cream
  • 2 tbsp Date syrup
  • 1 tbsp Honey
  • 1 tsp Rose water
  • 8-10 Saffron strands


  • To make hung curd: hang plain yogurt in cheese cloth/cotton cloth overnight in fridge. It turns sour if hanged on counter so I try to do it in the fridge.
  • To make date syrup: soak 1 cup dates in 2 cups of hot water for 1 hr. Then grind it and strain with a cheese/cotton cloth. Make sure no solid parts are coming out of the strainer. Then boil this liquid for 10-15 minutes or till desired consistency. It will thicken once it cools down.
  • Mix everything together and freeze in individual popsicle/kulfi mold. If you don't have the mold then freeze it in any airtight container.