I have been away from social media and the most cherished space of mine (my blog) for quite some time due to post-Navratri blues. The nine days of fasting, tiring chores and nasty cold due to the sudden change in weather altogether created the need of taking a step back, and the urge to remain undisturbed in my slumber kept me away from this space. But an exciting challenge in the form of a gentle request made by a friend woke me up. Her husband is lactose-intolerant and so she asked me if I could create some vegan and lactose-free Indian desserts for her family, this Diwali.
How could I let go this challenge. After all working with certain limitations is the key to evolve one’s creativity. I tried and came up with this Vegan recipe of Gond laddu. Coming up soon is lactose-free peda, watch this space for more.