It’s been a while since Vedika’s endoscopy and by the grace of almighty she has been doing fine, free from all the pain. We are now slowly introducing new grains into her diet, and so I thought of adding wheat recently. One day, she demanded to eat bread and buns, something that she has missed eating since past year. It becomes difficult for a mother to deny a request/demand that came after such a long time, and is also safe for her health. I used to and still cringe at the thought of usage of refined flour (maida) and preservatives that go into making of bread and buns. Since she has been on a preservative-free & unprocessed food, for quite more than a year, I am hesitant in giving her regular bread brought from the supermarket. So, in order to satisfy her demand, I decided to try whole wheat buns in my own kitchen.
It came out pretty well, definitely not as fluffy and light as the regular ones made with refined flour (maida), but it is definitely healthy and wholesome. It can be boon for health-conscious people who love pav-bhaji, vada-pav, misal pav but think twice before intake of maida in their diet.